International Student Conference 2021

The livestock sector is play important role for the sustainablele agriculture
and many ecosystems; however, it also has a high environmental impact. Due to the growing demand for animal products, there is a need to design new livestock production systems that allow the combination of food security and sustainability. Within this context, organic livestock may be a useful strategy to achieve such a pivotal goal Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Deveopment Goals (SDGs). To fulfill the target of SDGs, animal production plays important roles in producing food for human consumption including increasing economic values and services. Alternative strategies to improve and maintain green and sustainable animal production, environmental factors and green concept to support food security and human welfare need to be considered.

Development of livestock in broad sense should involve interdisciplinary
aspects which is associated with Tropical Animal Genetics Resources, Heritage
Poultry Breeds and Production, Animal Product Processing, Conservation and
Environmental Economic and Organic Farming. Facing the on going problem in the scarcity of food in national and global level as well the high importation of food from other countries to indonesia, solution to produce healthy food especially from livestock is essential. Based on the present demand from the society for green animal products in sufficient quantitity with good quality to keep a food security status, collaboration between all institutions need to be enhanced. From higher institution side, student need to have good understanding and extensive experiences on the potensial of livestock for food security.

International Students Conference collaboartion with Summer course is one of the nternational program of IPB involving student from foreign countries to discuss and learning about livestock production, and related aspect to support food security program. The implementation of Summer Course in DAPT, Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University over the three years (2017 and 2019) had produced 34 alumni from several countries including Palestine, Zimbabwe, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and from 11 different universities. To gather information on recent advance of efforts and in attempt to desseminate the related topic, in this year 2020 The Fisrt International Students Conference Department Animal Production and technology (DAPT) will be conducted following the great success of the previous Summer Course of DAPT 2017-2019. The thema of the first International students conference DAPT is ”Implementation of sustainable organic farming to support green animal production for food security and human welfare”

The number of participants of International Students Conference were 68 students. The participants come from 7 local and foreign universiteis. The list of participant coming from several foreign universities include Jiangsu university (China), University of Malaysia Kelantan (Malaysia), Kasetsart
University (Thailand). Participants from local universities consist IPB University, Universitas Arilangga, Universitas Diponegoro, University Brawijaya, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, and Universitas Palangkaraya. Samratulangi University and Tanjungpura University

Follow this link to see the video of ISC Program: International Student Conference 2021 | Department Animal Production and Technology