Research Focus
Research focus have conducted on Department Animal Production and Technology :
- Aplication of molecular genetics in animal breeding
- Aplication of quantitative genetics in native animals g
- Growth and development animals
- Animal By-Product Processing and Technology
- Evaluation of carcass and meat quality
- Integrated farming system
- Ekspolaration of prospective animals
- Dairy cattle production technology (cattles, goats and buffalos)
- Anaimal einvironment manaement
- Adaptation and heat tolerances in dairy cattle
- Manipulation of dairy cattle phisiology
- Animal behaviour of dairy cattle
- Dairy processing technology
- Poultry meat and egg processing technology
- Diversiviaction of poulry product
- Animal behaviour of poultry
- Poultry processing technology
- Meat processing technology
- Milk processing technology
- Dairy production technology